The author is hoping to expand the web-site to make it more useful to every human, in hopes of doing an even better job of fighting serious and persistent mental illness, and also preventing mental illnesses.
The book is available as an EBook through Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Kindle. If you purchase the EBook version, please contact me and let me know how it read and looked. I want to be sure that product is satisfactory; and to be sure, I may have to go into the site and make some changes...if necessary. I would recommend you order the book from me rather than go on EBook just because I don't like the way it looks on EBook and because I can use the funds to promote the website and book. To order a paperback copy of The War on Mental Illness (Street Version), send check or money order made out to Bob Frisby to:
PO Box 9066
Rochester, MN 55904
If you're in SE Minnesota you can get the book at The Eagle Store, located at 2nd Street and 1st Ave SW in Rochester, MN
If you're from Minnesota and having the book mailed to you, the cost of the book will be $19.95; mailing costs will be $3.22; I'll cover sales tax, so $23 would do just fine.
If you're from another state (Including Hawaii and Alaska), the cost of the book will be $19.95; mailing costs will be $3.22, for total of $23
If you're from Canada, the cost of the book will be $19.95 plus $9.84 mailing costs, to equal $29 (US Dollars)
If you're from Mexico, the cost of the book will be $19.95 plus $14.19 mailing costs, to equal $34 (US Dollars)
If you're from Central or South America, the cost of the book will be $19.95 plus $14.99 mailing costs, to equal $34 (US Dollars)
If you live overseas you will have book costs of $19.95 plus $15.59 mailing costs, to equal $35 (US Dollars).
Any donations to the web-site will go toward improving the web-site so we can get the information out to the most people. An accounting will be made when donations are received, on the web-site to show users what comes in and where the funds go (your privacy will be maintained by myself just using initials of donors).
You can also get a bumper sticker from me that says:"JOIN THE FIGHT" by just sending me your address and the request.
It is green like Senator Wellstone's campaign bumper sticker and lettering is white. You can also attach it to an office window, or anywhere where folks will see it. Send request to Bob Frisby at PO BOX 9066, Rochester, MN 55904