

​​    the war on mental illness

           BY BOB  FRISBY, M.S.

I didn't want to have any political comments in this web-site but the current so called republican party is encouraging delusional thinking; basically, encouraging people to be mentally ill !  Something has to be said about this behavior:

When I think about politics these days, I'm thinking about capitalism,
socialism and fascism. Let’s look at their definitions:

Capitalism (according to my Webster’s New World Dictionary, College
Edition, 1962): “the economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land, factories, railroads, etc., are privately owned and operated for profit, originally under fully competitive conditions; it has been generally characterized by a tendency toward concentration of wealth, and, in its later phase, by the growth of greater corporations, increased governmental controls, etc”.

Socialism (according to my Webster’s New World Dictionary, College Edition, 1962): “the theory or system of the ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution by society or the community rather than by private individuals with all members of society or the community sharing in the work and the products”.

Fascism (according to my Webster’s New World Dictionary, College Edition, 1962): a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of the opposition (unions, other, especially leftist, parties, minority groups, etc.), the retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized governmental control, belligerent nationalism and racism, glorification of war, etc.

When I think of our two party system I think the Democrats are encouraging more socialism within our way of living, even though they're capitalist as well. I see Republicans wanting to hold onto their capitalist interests and currently leaning toward fascism as a way to add to their wealth. I don’t see the Democrats wanting to end capitalism and I do see some Republicans as being willing to spread some of their wealth around to the poor and disadvantaged. The current argument within our country appears to be this: what percentage of the profit made by capitalists should be taxed to assure that the poor and disadvantaged are living a lifestyle which includes having sufficient wages for their labor; so they can afford decent housing, eat healthy foods, dress in clothes that aren’t ragged, maintain a home,
afford decent health care, have reliable transportation to get to and
from work, and have sick leave and affordable child care services. The
“working class” deserves respect and compensation for the hard work they do keeping the rest of the world comfortable.

In the book I wrote: The War on Mental Illness (Street Version), I indicated my belief that my job was twofold; help my clients get a piece of America’s pie and make sure the people’s tax dollars are spent wisely. In my opinion, spending tax dollars looking into voter irregularities which have been proven to be no more significant than in any other election, is a big waste of money! Restricting the right of people to vote is as anti-American as Putin.

Now if you read various letters to the editor and books on politics, you’ll see that some people say that Democrats want to de-fund the police. I’m probably considered a moderate Democrat and I’m proud to say that I have voted for Republican Presidents (not Trump) and Republican Governors. I don’t believe in de-funding the police; hell, my son was a State Trooper! 

Some people say Democrats want Medicare for all, and I can tell you that I believe everyone should have the same coverage that our legislators have. You pay according to your means.

Some folks don’t want the United States in the UN, NATO or any Paris
Climate Accord, yet I, as a Democrat, feel these groups will save
our world from destruction. These groups are trying to maintain a peaceful world, and are doing a pretty good job against the evil that is out there.

Some say the Democrats don’t want religion and a Christian God as part of our national fabric, and I would disagree with that. There has to be separation of church and state, as that is what our nation was predicated upon. The United States didn’t want King George telling us how to practice our religion. The abortion issue is a good example of people wanting to force others to live according to their religious beliefs. I’ll leave it up to the pregnant woman to make her own decision and not hold her decision against her. It is an issue between her, her doctor and her Higher Power. Statistics would show that a sizable percentage of Democrats would try to find alternatives to abortion and therefore aren't necessarily pro-abortion. They should be considered pro-women's rights, even if they're in a pro-abortion rally. And remember this: when you say your anti-abortion, your also saying that doctors shouldn't remove a deceased fetus from a woman; shouldn't remove the miscarriage remains. Women are dying because legislatures are interfering with the provision of medical cares to pregnant women. You can put limits on abortive procedures, but you must include the statement that the physician in charge makes the final call on what procedure is necessary and the law makers leave the call alone! You can't be threatening doctors or others with lawsuits and still have proper health care in your state.

 I served five years of active duty in the US Army including nine months in Vietnam. Around election time I could be quoted quite frequently saying to people that I fought for their right to vote. I didn’t care who they voted for as that was up to them, but I wanted them to exercise their right to vote. I also commented that I fought for their right to have a different opinion than mine. When we entered the service there was an oath we recited and if the internet can be trusted, it went like this: “…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of
Military Justice, so help me God.”

There was a Lt. William Calley in Vietnam who participated in the killing of innocent civilians at My Lai. He claimed he was ordered to do so by his commander, a captain Ernest Medina. Both ended up jailed, because if your behavior is breaking the Uniform Code of Military Justice or not in accord with our Constitution, you will be held accountable for those crimes. This should be the same for the January 6th attempt to overthrow our government. Just because Trump urged people to participate and fight, doesn’t mean they had to obey those orders; they’re illegal orders and the rioters should have known that.

 It is unfortunate that the current so called Republican Party has chosen to “live the lie” (i.e., the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and given to Biden) and not behave according to our Constitution. They need to stop making efforts to prevent some people from voting and instead encourage folks to vote. They need to stop lying. The Bar Associations of every Republican who continues to back “the big lie” should hold those representatives accountable and remove their license to practice law. The people they represent should make sure these particular Republicans don’t win re-election.

 There are still some great Republican legislators out there who know the election wasn't stolen and who support voter's rights; vote for them if you have Republican leanings. Just ask your Republican legislator if they believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. Ask them if they believe Trump was a good president. If they answer yes to either question, or don't answer at all, don't vote for them!

It is unfortunate that a large percentage of Americans have been watching Fox News, as this organization, in my humble opinion, is spreading “the big lie” and other misinformation which only divides our country’s people. The manner in which Fox News and the so called Republican Party under Trump have been treating the Covid virus pandemic is nothing short of criminal. So many lives were, and are being lost, because of them giving misinformation about the virus and refusing to accept scientific knowledge as a way to combat the virus.

Since Twitter has changed ownership recently, it has also again allowed hateful speech on it's product. There is no place in a civilized society for hate speech and therefore everyone should avoid using Twitter accounts. Don't even visit the site! It's also important to only use social media like facebook to communicate with your family and immediate friends; friends you can visit locally. Don't try to build a vast number of followers or establish "pen pals" out there with folks you only know by what they say on line. Don't visit Tik-Tok, even if it has interesting things displayed on its web-site; people can say things on these sites that aren't true and you will get caught up in the lies. Don't spend more than a couple hours a day involved with social media, unless it's your job. Remember that someone said "80% of communication is non-verbal". It is through face to face meetings that you gain and lose energy; where the humanness is clear. If you need friends, join local organizations in your area that are doing things you like to do. You will be rewarded for being more careful in this new world we live in.

It is my professional opinion that it is not beneficial to your mental health to watch Fox News. It is far better for your mind to watch the major network news channels, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and PBS. While some of these appear to be democratic, that is only because they are speaking the truth and trying to stop “the big lie”. There are lots of newspapers and newsletters being circulated throughout the United States and the World. It is important to know who is behind the literature; for example, I received a newspaper called "The Epoch Times" in my mail. I checked it on the internet and learned it was from a far-right organization who backs Trump. Anyone who back Trump isn't worth your time or energy; don't subscribe to such junk.

If you hear a lie being spoken often enough, you begin to believe it; that is the line you then cross into what are called delusional beliefs. These are fixed erroneous beliefs that can't be changed by logical evidence. I believe the German people in the first part of the 20th century got caught up in Hitler's delusions. Hitler controlled what the mass media said and killed those who disagreed with him. Putin controls the mass media in Russia and puts his adversaries in prison. Trump called the news people of America “the enemy”, “fake news”.  He caused a riot where police were beaten and killed, on our capitol grounds!

And do you remember what happened in Jamestown? On November 18, 1978 a man named Jim Jones led hundreds of his followers in a mass murder-suicide in the South American nation of Guyana. Now we see Trump's followers being sent off to prison for doing what he recommended. Are Americans really considering voting him and his followers back in to office? Not me, I'm voting straight Democratic ticket in this next election.

It also appears that many people in America believe all sorts of conspiracy theories and are spending much time debating these theories. It is far better for your mental health to leave the conspiracy theories to the CIA, FBI and Homeland Security. You don’t have to worry about them or spend any time thinking about them. Let the government agencies work on those issues.

I always told my clients that if we didn’t have honest communication in our relationship, then we didn’t have a meaningful relationship. There are too many legislators who are being dishonest or evasive in their communications; they need to be voted out of office.

Some final thoughts for you to ponder: what is greed?  I believe it’s when you want more than you really need in life to fulfill your mission on this planet. Without a religious/spiritual base as your mission guide, you may well believe that fascism is the way to go. When it comes time to vote, it might be a good idea to ask yourself “who would Jesus Christ vote for?, Muhammad?, Buddha?, Confucius?, and for the Native Americans: Mother Earth?" They wouldn't vote on one issue, they would look at character, caring for others, honesty, and how they show respect for all things on this Mother Earth.          Entered May 2022

P.S:  I just saw an ad where a so called Republican said he was trusted by Trump and you can trust him to protect and fight for you. We don't want anyone in office who's supporting Trump or backed by him. Trump thinks putin is an OK guy. And what is this OK guy doing to the country of Ukraine? Killing women, children, the disabled and the aged. Trump and his so called republican backers are interested in filling their pockets with more money. These folks are full of the greed that isn’t healthy for them, their families or our nation. By the way, there is a significant percentage of democrats that are too greedy as well. The Republican Party as it stood prior to Trump becoming involved is no longer recognizable; it is now the "Trump cult". My dictionary defined a cult as: "devoted attachment to, or extravagant admiration for, a person, principle, etc., especially when regarded as a fad....a group of followers" For the past decade there has been a cultish movement to devalue our constitutional institutions, as if the government is your enemy. I have worked for local government and have seen the value of government oversight. Unless you have worked within one of these institutions of government, you can't say they should be abolished. Government agencies haven't spent your hard earned tax dollars trying to convince you that they're needed in order to help you; they just do their job and you benefit from it. Maybe they should start spending your dollars to tell you what they do that is so important to your way of life?

Reflections following the Nov 5, 2024 election:

*2000 years ago the Jews were asked who should live, Jesus or the rebellious Barabbas, and they chose Barabbas over Jesus; who was then crucified. For the majority of our country to choose Trump over Harris, it feels the same as way back then. And what did Christ say to those who chose Barabbas over him?...”forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” You who voted for Trump, voted for the wrong person and what follows should help you understand why I say this:

1. There is too much greed in America; people wanting more than they need to have a comfortable life. An awful lot of American's didn't vote for Harris because they wanted to expand their riches rather than help the poor and the middle class.

2. There is more racism in America than I could have imagined. Our country started out as a slave country; almost everyone owned a slave. Unfortunately, this led to non-slaves feeling and believing that they were better than the slaves. Many in our nation haven't gotten to the belief that black people are equal to them in our society. They still want to exert control over black people. It may even be in our DNA to experience this feeling. In the small mid-western town where I grew up we were taught that every person is equal in the sight of God. An awful lot of Americans didn't vote for Harris just because she's black; that is pure racism.

3.  There is a powerful amount of sexism in America. Most of the men here want to dominate women and have difficulty treating them as equals; worthy of having their own dreams, aspirations and interests. The next generation of women in this country don’t see themselves as being the one responsible for washing the clothes, making the meals, doing the dishes, cleaning the house, and staying home to watch the children until they get into school. The women of today expect to share these responsibilities with their partner. It’s important in your relationship with someone you’re engaged to, to discuss this change in social mores; establish the house rules before you move in together. Some men in fact, would prefer being the one staying home and taking care of home matters. This country should see women as equal to men and it's time for the men; no matter their culture, to change their attitude on this issue. An awful lot of men didn't vote for Harris just because she was a woman!

4. There is too much hatred for those in the LGBTQ community. I think this is fueled by religions that have deviated from Christ’s teachings (just one of his teachings as an example: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers; that you do unto me.”). Two men who had hatred in their souls killed Matthew Shepard, a gay man in Wyoming, in October of 1998; these men are now spending life in prison. Many men and women caught up in the prostitution life would prefer not to live that life and they do find themselves being the target of serial killers. The killer’s hatred is felt to be the justification for taking lives. We have no place for hatred of others in our society.

5. The women of America had two chances now to get a women elected as president and failed.  Both these women (Clinton & Harris) were excellent candidates and would have done a much better job in the position than Trump could have ever done! If I heard the statistics right, 74% of Latino men won't vote for a female president because she’s a woman; that's their culture apparently. Who are they to act like this when the husbands of these women backed the decision? Do you want us to tell your women how to act or what jobs they can apply for? In your country this may go without argument, not in America. 

6. It is true that a nationalism effort is rising up throughout the world because there are so many cultures merging in so many different countries, and it's happening very fast. People in various countries are saying "who are we now?" and they're seeing a fast changing landscape of different people with different beliefs; just like I said about Latino men and their power over their women; they came to this country with that part of their culture and are reluctant to change it. It will take time, but it has to happen. We are a melting pot of cultures and we should be proud of that; welcome them in and treat them with respect; give them time to adjust to our laws and beliefs.

7. Many of Trump's plans, included in Project 2025, are unacceptable to the majority of Americans. Project 2025 is the modern version of hitler’s Mein Kampf. Trump’s plans and behaviors will test the checks and balances that were built into our constitution. I believe the Supreme Court will stop some of those plans where they are appealed. Some of his cult members in the house and senate will not want to cooperate all the time because they're facing re-election; we should see some dragging of the feet so to speak, some outright refusals to cooperate. 

8. We need to continue to fight for the future of ourselves and our children. We need to participate by contacting our legislators regarding issues of import to us. We will need to join protests when necessary. As an example: when Musk comes up with a bright idea on how to cut costs with the federal budget, lets encourage our legislators to go to the street and talk to the clients and workers affected by budget cuts, to see what the result of a cut would be, before the cut is actually made. I remember a cut once that required clients to contribute toward their medication costs; like a person is going to contribute when they don't believe in the medication in the first place! We would have had increased hospitalizations and things were really getting out of control. We got a coalition of groups together and made a desperate appeal to our legislators to reverse the cut. It took six months and the cut was dropped. Quickest I've ever seen a change in legislation! You can bet that this Trump cult will want to take money away from caring for the poor and middle class.

9. The economy is always an issue for the voters. If they think the economy is bad they vote you out of office. The president of the United States has little control over the economy. It takes the house and senate to make it all work. You need to blame them for your financial woes. And the bottom line is this: a democratic president will do what he can for the poor and middle class. A so called republican will work to reduce spending and expand the money going to the wealthy. This is how it's been working for generations!  If your income is under $400,000 always vote democrat, it's as simple as that.

If you voted for Trump, I feel you carry some responsibility for the happenings that have occurred. Here's a listing of those happenings that I will add to from time to time:

1. Women have died in states where abortion has been abolished because they weren't given proper medical attention during their pregnancy. Read up on 35 y/o Porsha Ngumezi from Texas. She was eleven weeks pregnant and was miscarrying. She was bleeding profusely and went to the ER. She needed a D&C, but in Texas, this medical intervention is illegal under their anti-abortion law. In her bleeding she was already passing tissue and after blood transfusions, she was sent home; where she died from loss of blood. She is one of many women who have died in states where they passed anti-abortion laws while neglecting to approve appropriate pregnancy cares.

2. Racist hate male was sent to many black adults and children. This is a federal crime and is clear emotional abuse. 11-6-24

3. A mob in Amsterdam attacks Israeli soccer team members. Some of the team members may have taken down Palestinian flags. Let the police deal with the poor behavior; you don't beat on people. Nov 2024

4. Wal-Mart is reducing its diversity programs to be more in line with a majority of the voters. This strikes me as a racist behavior. The preamble of our constitution doesn’t support this behavior. The majority of Americans would prefer to pay no taxes and yet we pay taxes. Wal-Mart’s logic is like a water can with holes in it. 11-24-24

5. Ohio law bans transgender youth from using school bathrooms aligned with their gender identity. 11-27-24

6. North Carolina’s legislature is trying to remove power from state positions won by democrats and increase power in the one position they won. Big protests happening  in protest to this. It’s like the GOP is saying “What could we do to upset the democrats the most?”  Another case of dividing the country and causing chaos. 11-30-24

7. South Korea’s leader declares martial law as a way to control his opposition and is over-ruled by his assembly. Just trying what Trump imagined.

8. DACA children who were brought to this county illegally when they were newly born or very young weren’t able to get citizenship because they came illegally. They have lived here for many years, establishing lives and being good citizens. These large groups of children who are mostly adults now, know no other home than America. They are now very anxious given Trump’s deportation plans and will have to try and cope with strong stressors until a decision is made on their behalf. Right now Trump is saying that they can return to their previous homeland with their parents; a homeland they don’t feel any connection too. A lot of these now adults, had relatives who voted for Trump, thinking he wouldn’t touch the DACA children. Now we hear from immigration attorneys that this isn’t necessarily so. We now have an awful lot of “Americans” having sleepless nights. 12-19-24

9. Christopher Wray resigned his post as head of the FBI effective Jan 20, 2025. He still had three years left in his tenure and was an excellent, non-partisan head of the FBI. Trump was going to fire him and this would have led to many court hearings that would cost the taxpayer excessively, and allow continued degradation of the FBI by so called republicans at these hearings. There’s nothing wrong at the FBI. All the so called republican allegations are just a continuation of the lying that this cult had decided to encourage. They lie on so many different levels of government that you don’t know when they’re telling the truth. You want the truth, talk to a democrat and watch the news programs I’ve already mentioned. 12-10.24

10. A female coast guard commander named Elizabeth Nikagawa was denied a D&C for a miscarriage by military insurer Tricare in 2023, even though it had paid for the same procedure previously. She almost died. ProPublica has several stories like this, exposing the flip-side of the anti-abortion coin. How many women have to die or be near death before you anti-abortion people understand that pregnant women have to have care approved by a doctor, not by you? I wouldn’t be human if I weren’t angry about all these issues. 2023

11. Trump has nominated a raft of inappropriate people for high positions in his cabinet. The vast majority don’t have even the basic skills for the office they may run. Did you want this when you voted for Trump? Did you want people in high offices that foreign dignitaries would laugh at? Did you want them to tear down parts of our government without even knowing what important products are produced by that part of the government? There was talk about closing down the Department of Education. Do you all even know what that department does throughout the nation?  12-19-24

12. Musk leads the charge to kill the bi-partisan budget bill, which would keep the country running. Closing down the government doesn’t hurt the rich folks like Musk; just the poor and the middle class. 12-19-24

13 Trump talks about taking control over Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal; as if he’s a dictator and our military will listen to such grandiose ideas. He wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America; another grandiose idea, just to get his name in print. This is an example of nation building that dictators like to engage in; like Putin and the head of China. We have NATO and The United Nations that have as goals to stop dictator types from trying to expand their borders. You want your family going to war to achieve these grandiose ideas? 1-7-25

14. Trump says there were no guns on the people that stormed the capital on Jan 6th, while we have clear evidence there were plenty of guns. He lies to you all the time; is this what you like? 1-7-25

15. Facebook ends fact-checking program in what it claimed was a move toward better free speech. So….their idea of free speech is to let people come on their site and tell lies that can get people killed. Another reason I have urged folks to stay off Facebook except for communication with people you know and who are near and dear to you. Don’t go on there to increase your knowledge about anything. You’ll end up believing lies. 1-7-25

16. McDonalds is reducing its diversity program. This follows the so called Supreme Court’s ruling against affirmative action. Jan 2025

17. The US House passed a bill to sanction international criminal court officials in response to the court issuing an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu. All you have to do is look at how he leveled Gaza with total disregard for civilians to know that he is guilty of war crimes. Just like Putin is guilty of war crimes for his disregard for the lives of civilians in Ukraine. We can speculate that the house passed this bill at the urging of Trump. It will be interesting to see if this gets through the senate and signed into law. Jan 2025

18. Instagram and Facebook have both stopped fact-checking in order to “restore free expression.” Therefore they are allowing people on these social media sites to lie all they want on any subject they want. Free expression is really freedom of speech in my understanding. Why they gave it a different name is probably related to liability issues they would face when that free expression resulted in people being hurt or killed. I think they will still be found guilty when a charge is brought against them in that realm. We have no place in our society for those who will lie to us. Another reason why I have urged you to stop using these social media sights except for communication with only your closest family and friends. Jan 2025

19. META is moving from California to Texas because the owner feels there is too much bias within his employees living in California. In my opinion, his fears are that they will require honest communication, not lies on the platforms. Jan 2025

20. Trump and Musk are stating lies on social media sites regarding the California fires. Their focus is on the Democratic governor and the Mayor of LA. Trump is sited for his claims that Governor Newsome wouldn’t back a Water Restoration Declaration that would have helped control the fires. MSNBC has clearly stated that no such declaration exists. You literally can’t believe anything said by Trump or Musk. Believe the people from the communities involved. Jan 2025

21. The so called Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito spoke with Trump just prior to making a decision on a Trump case. If Alito has a license to practice law, it should be terminated. We should have protesters outside his home for at least a week each time he does something unethical, as determined by a board of his peers.

22. Trump is sentenced today in a criminal case and is now a convicted felon. This is the first time in history that a convicted felon is going to be President of the US. You trusted a felon to lead our government; will you trust a felon to care for your child in day-care?

23. Speaker of the US House of Reps Mike Johnson fired the head of the House Intelligence Committee (Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio) from his chairmanship of that committee. Johnson claimed it was his decision and not Trumps, yet Turner advocated for Ukraine funding, voted to impeach Trump, and was anti-Putin. Who do you think fired Turner? Turner was able to work bi-partisan in his committee and did a great job there for our nation. You voters for Trump can congratulate yourselves for getting rid of another patriot. Jan 16, 2025

24. President Biden warns the nation that they have given too much power to Industrial Tech Executives and to be prepared for the dangers of an oligarchy gaining power under Trump’s presidency. Go back to looking up your information needs in encyclopedias, rather than Google (Google doesn’t deserve a capital G). Use social media only rarely; make most of your communications face to face. You will get hit with a lot of misinformation and outright lies during the next four years, and as long as the social media giants don’t fact-check what’s on their platforms. Don’t spend so much time in your home alone or with your electronic devices; get out into the public places, like parks, libraries, pools, etc. Humans are social animals and if you reduce socialization, you’re going against your DNA needs; psychological issues can develop due to reduced socialization. I had a client once who became delusional when she was unable to go to her weekly bingo games. We had to put her on medications and were later able to stop those meds when she got regular again in her bingo participation.

25. Lots of extremely rich folks donated a million dollars to Trumps inauguration: Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Threads Adam Mosseri, Apple CEO Tim Cook, etc. Do you think Trump really needed this money for his inauguration? These folks sent this money to send a message: we helped you, now you help us. They will make you pay more for the services you have been getting from their companies.

26. Mike Johnson survives as speaker of the house due to being close to Trump vs. keeping the house a separate part of government. Trump tells him what to do and therefore Trump controls the House of Representatives. Hopefully this will end in 2026 when Democrats re-take control of the house (if, of course, you vote Democrat).  Jan 17, 2025

27. Inauguration Day experiences: Trump declares a national emergency at the southern border. There isn’t an emergency down there that couldn’t be addressed by Trump signing the bi-partisan immigration bill. There isn’t a need to send our military down there; you can hire unskilled worker to lay down barbed wire and razor wire.

Trump claimed he was saved by God to make America great again. This is a grandiose idea coming out of the mind of a very sick person. He was saved because the shooter wasn’t a good shot.

28. Trump pardoned a vast majority of the people who participated in the Jan 6 insurrection. In the 1800’s they would have been hanged, including Trump himself, for treason. Trump made no distinction between criminals guilty of assaulting police officers and those who were trespassing.

29. Trump shuts down the migrant entry app which helps immigrants get in line for legal immigration.

30. Trump begins selling his new crypto currency. Don’t buy that stuff; this is currency that is in the computer systems and not something you can hold in your hand. Those who do will soon find out that Trump is the one getting ahead. And if I’m not mistaken, if you lose your password to get into your account, the money in that account will never get back to you. And somewhere down the road, they will establish a rule that accounts unattended for a certain period of time close out and the money is given to the managers of the crypto fund, to pay for fund costs, like their super big salaries. 

Musk gives a roman type salute at a gathering of Trump followers. Musk probably knew this would anger those who saw it as the hail Hitler salute. He enjoys causing chaos and division among our citizens as much as Trump and the cult members.

Lawrence O’Donnell Quoted General Ulysses Grant on Lawrence’s episode of The Last Word I heard on MSNBC one evening recently; perhaps 1-20-25:

“If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon’s, but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other.” [Grant used superstition vs conspiracy theories and ambition vs greed.]

Trump withdraws the United States from the World Health Organization. He doesn’t want our nation’s scientists working with other scientists around the world, to stop the spread of diseases, like Covid. Covid killed off how many republicans? So many of these people died because Trump said they didn’t have to ware a mask. Another round of disease may do the same again.

31.Trump withdraws the United States from the Paris Climate Accords. He is again disputing what scientists have proven about global warming causing increased catastrophic weather events: the fires in California, hurricanes in the south, flooding rains in North Carolina, blizzard in Louisiana, etc. Instead of an inch of rain, you can get eighteen inches of rain in a very short period of time; anywhere in America! Same thing with wild fires; a derecho (straight line winds of tornado intensity) like the one that hit Iowa, could whip up a fire like the Santa Anna Winds did in California and wipe out entire towns; anywhere in America!  The droughts produce increased fuels for fires.

I think the majority of police officers in America voted for Trump. Now Trump has pardoned people who literally killed police officers and left others with life long injuries. If you’re an officer who voted for Trump, you must have decided the rule of law doesn’t apply to you or the rest of the Trumpers. Time for you to get a different job or change your attitude!  1-21-25

32. In his first term as president, Trump separated immigrant children from their parents and this continued for years. Biden had a team set up to re-unite these separated children with their parents. Trump has stopped this team from continuing their work. The result is that there are many children who don’t know where their parents are and parents who don’t know where their children are. If you’re a parent who voted for Trump, you must have known this would happen; Trump was clear in his messages during his run for office.

Trump and his wife launch meme coin.  Don’t buy it! Down the road you’ll lose for sure.


Let me conclude by saying that the so called Republicans are for the rich and are following the recommendations in the 2025 report. Be sure you read that report.

The Democrats have always been for the poor and the working class. The only thing you need to remember come time to vote, is whether you earn less than $400,000 a year or more. If you make more, you'll probably want to vote for the so called Republicans. If you make less, you should vote for the Democrats. It's just that need to fret about who to vote for; it should be straight Republican all the way or straight Democrat all the way. I hope God appreciates who you voted for.

PS:  You may feel guilty from reading all upcoming negative happenings; feel guilty for voting for Trump. The way to take this guilt off your shoulders is to vote Democrat in every election; no need to hit yourself side the head.
